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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Pilquen review publishes articles of teachers and researchers of national and foreign universities and also writers invited by the editorial board. The works must be sent by e-mail in any Microsoft Word version for Windows.

The articles must be original and unpublished or simultaneously presented in other Magazines. Sending any kind of collaboration to this publication implies acceptance of editorial criteria and authorization to the Editorial Committee to publish the articles either in the Magazine, data base or indexing system, print or digital where Pilquen’s material is allocated. A note signed by the author of transfer of right and reproduction materials will accompany the work.


The articles received will be evaluated according to the basic editorial parameters of Pilquen. Once an article is accepted it will be submitted to a double blind, anonymous and external evaluation by academic peers. If no unanimity is reach, Pilquen will send the article to a third evaluator. The final results will be sent to the authors via email.

The Editorial Committee can make style and editing corrections if necessary.



Title of article

The author will title his/her article in the briefest fashion possible, and will sign it with name and academic address and along with his/her email address at the end. He/She will add —in Spanish and English— the title, and abstract and key worlds (no more than five).

The following rules must be followed:



The style format used -mostly from the MLA Style Manual- is the following:

The articles cannot be more than 20 A4 pages. They must be in font Times New Roman, double spaced, justified, the font size must be 12pt. Bold type or underlining cannot be used. Paragraphs should begin with indentation (without using tabulation).

Charts, tables and illustrations with their captions and titles must be included in the text.

Test notes take flow numbers, without parenthesis and are written at the page footer.

Indentation of the first word of paragraphs by 5 spaces is required on the left margin. A paragraph is separated from the previous one like the rest of the text.

A letter, word, phrase or sentence cited as an example should be in italics. The meaning of a word should be put in quotation marks.

Citations are put in quotation marks if they do not four lines, if they do, they are written in a 10 space-indented paragraph, without quotation marks separated from the text with another space. At the end of the citation the reference must be included as if it were a text reference (see below).

This is also valid for indirect citations and references. Quotation marks and footnotes go before punctuation.

Decimal numbers are used in case of subdivision (starting with 1, then 1.1 or 2, as required)

Text reference. The parenthetical system author-date is used for citing sources. It includes author´s last name and year of publication (a space between them)





A source with two authors: (Mangone y Warley 1994: 37) More than three authors: (González Stephan et al. 1995) Two or three works, same author: (Mignolo 1996b: 12)

Reference with three citations: (Gómez 1980: 162; Daroqui 1995 y García 1959: 89) Citing an indirect source: (Cit. en Rama 1995, 2: 32-36)

Citing literary works: (Borges 1966: 65)

Cited works. Only those considered when writing the article must appear, not exceeding two pages at headed by “cited Works” list.

Titles of books, reviews go in italics, titles of parts of a book, articles are put in quotation marks.

Citation of books. A list of cited works has three main parts: author, title and publication data; all of them being separated by full stop:

Alonso, Amado. Materia y forma en poesía. Madrid: Gredos. 1955.

Should more information be added, it is separated by a full stop, as follows: Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales. Año VII. Nº 7, 2005.

Author´s name. Entries are in alphabetical order by the authors´ surnames. The author´s name must coincide with the one on the page previous to the title page of the book (no abbreviations can be used if it appears in full or vice versa)

Year of publication. In the case of several works by the same author published in the same year, they are distinguished with the letters a, b, c, respectively, written after the year, with no space or comma.

Book title. The complete name is cited as well as the subtitle. In this case they are separated by a full stop and in italics. An extremely long title can be abbreviated but not reduced to the first words.

Title of a part of a book. The name of a work in an anthology or an essay in a compilation is cited after the name of the book generally in quotation marks, except when the part has been published alone (as a book itself), in that case, it is written in italics.

Name of editor, translator or compiler. If they appear on the title page, they are included after the title leaving only one space, without parenthesis and abbreviated as follows:

Ed(s), Trad., Org. o Comp.

Number of volumes: when a multivolume work is cited, the numbers of all the volumes are included at the end followed by a space as well as the first and last year of publication.

Place and date of publication and editorial: a colon and a space are used between the publication place and the editorial, a comma and a space between the editorial and the date and a full stop after it. If there is more than one city, only the first is cited. If there are two editorials on the title page, both must be cited and are separated by a semicolon. If the date does not appear on the title page, use the last date in the copyright.

When  a  work  does  not  have  place,  editorial  or  publication  date,  information  must  be  given (between square brackets), otherwise the abbreviations n.p, n.p, n.d are used.

Number of pages. When part of a book is cited (essay, chapter, introduction), the first and last page of the same must be given. Example: (34-58)

A book, same author:

Todorov, Tzevetan. La conquista de América. La cuestión del otro. México: Siglo XXI. 1987.

A book, two or more authors:

Rowe, William y Schelling, Vivian. Memoria y modernidad. Cultura popular en América Latina. México: Grijalbo. 1993.

A book, more than three authors:

Edens, Walter et al. (eds.) Teaching Shakespeare. Princeton: Princeton UP. 1977.




Anthology or compilation:

Pizarro, Ana (Comp.) Modernidad, postmodernidad y vanguardia. Situando a Huidobro. Santiago de Chile: Ministerio de Educación. División de Extensión Cultural. Fundación Huidobro. 1993.

Two or more books, same author:

Barthes, Roland. El susurro del lenguaje. Más allá de la palabra y la escritura. Barcelona: Paidós. 1987. S/Z. México: Siglo XXI. 1986.

A book, corporate author:

Diccionario Enciclopédico de las Letras de América Latina. Venezuela: Biblioteca Ayacucho y Monte Ávila Editores. 1995.

Essay in a compilation or work in an anthology:

Balazs, Gabrielle. “Una mala ubicación”. Pierre Bourdieu (Dir.) La miseria del mundo. España: Fondo de Cultura Económica. 1999, pp. 89-90.

Multivolume work:

Alonso, Dámaso. Góngora y el “Polifemo”. Madrid: Gredos. Vol. III. 1967.

References to periodical articles

The format is the same as the one for books.

Review’s names

If it is a well-known review the usual abbreviation is used, if it is not, the city or institution that publishes it is placed between square brackets. The volume number is separated from the name of the review just by one space. The pages of the whole article are preceded by a colon.

If the review is released more than once a year, the volume number is followed by a full stop and then, without space, the edition number.

Sarlo, Beatriz. “Oralidad y lenguas extranjeras. El conflicto en la literatura argentina durante el primer tercio del siglo XX”. Orbis Tertius [Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literaria. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad Nacional de La Plata]: 1996, 1:167- 178.


They must be headed by: name of the writer of the book. Title. Place and date of edition, number of pages, followed by the review´s writer´s name and the institution he/she belongs to.

Villavicencio,  Susana  (ed.).  Los  contornos  de  la  ciudadanía.  Nacionales  y  extranjeros  en  la Argentina del centenario. Buenos Aires: Eudeba, 2003, 205 pp. by Mauro Spagnolo, UBA.

Additional information

The editor can either accept or reject the works received (for that he/she counts on an editorial staff or department), as well as make the necessary changes to keep the review’s style.




Authors may use articles published in Pilquen Ciencias Sociales (Pilquen Social Science) in other publications quoting Pilquen as the original source of the text and after six months of piblication. However a written authorization must be requested to Pilquen’s Editorial Comitee


Names and email address will be used exclusively for the declared purposes of the magazine and will not be available for any other purpose.



Sending of articles


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Los nombres y direcciones de correo-e introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.