Las formaciones de grado en Educación Física en la Argentina contemporánea. Instituciones, proyectos y circulaciones posibles

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Alejo Levoratti


This analytical and descriptive work aims to present the picture of the situation in 2022 of undergraduate training in Physical Education in Argentina. Based on the systematization of the different training proposals, curricular designs and normative frameworks. Their territorial distribution, their enrolment in the higher education system, the prevailing conceptual guidelines, training horizons and institutional circulation are analysed. The presentation seeks to establish dialogues between the situation of Physical Education and the rest of the educational proposals of the higher level, in order to begin to trace their particularities and their common points.


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How to Cite
Levoratti, A. (2022). Las formaciones de grado en Educación Física en la Argentina contemporánea. Instituciones, proyectos y circulaciones posibles. EFEI (Educación Física Experiencias E Investigaciones), 11(10), 20–50. Retrieved from
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