Reflections uponKant's 'Sublime' in history lessons
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This article reflects upon the teaching of history, with special emphasis on the role of teacher training in the processes of planning a course and - more importantly - choosing the kind of history one wishes to teach. One of the paramount ideas of the article is that the Annales School has marked several generations, and that Braudelian history has for many years set the tone of a great part of the historiography that we have been using in our trajectory through academic training. Taking all these factors into account and using Kant's essay on the beautiful and sublime, I propose a journey through the repercussions that different historical schools have on my teaching. As well as there are "other" ways of making history, I think there also are other ways of teaching history. Abrief voyage through several current historical schools will reveal different class experiences which point to show the possibility of moving from the sublime to the beautiful.
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