Social representations of future history teachers about time and historical consciousness.

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Carmen Escribano Muñoz
Joan Pagès Blanch


This paper presents part of the results obtained from the research developed in the doctoral thesis: Teaching to teach historical time: What do future secondary school teachers know and what do they learn? In which the social representations constructed by the students of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training, specializing in Geography and History, on the concept of historical time and historical consciousness are analyzed. In order to carry out the study, the procedures of the "Grounded Theory" have been followed, where concepts, hypotheses and propositions have been discovered as a direct result of the data collected. The information analyzed was obtained through the transcription of questionnaires and interviews. The results show a certain imprecision as regards the definition and nature of the concept of historical time and the indeterminacy in specifying the elements that compose it.


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How to Cite
Muñoz, C. E., & Blanch, J. P. (2021). Social representations of future history teachers about time and historical consciousness. Reseñas De Enseñanza De La Historia, (17), 15–35. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Carmen Escribano Muñoz, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Dra Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales

Joan Pagès Blanch, GREDICS. Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona

Dr. Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales


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