Marked bodies or weak gazing?

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Mónica Amado


In the present work, scenes of two situations where personal and environmental conditions are entwined around motor disability are depicted. Maternal function is confirmed as a necessary support to subject´s advent and the deployment of personal achievements possibilities. Even when the medical point of view settled a future of extreme dependence and helplessness, maternal sight made possible another future for these children: they became protagonists in their own lives, overcoming adversity from historical and social circumstances. Marta Schorn refers to a heroic function, thinking the hero as “that who oversize before adversity”. In these histories, mothers and children, like heroes, took the risks, relationships that involved adverse circumstances overcoming restrictions and social barriers. Those mothers support enabled that their children to inscribe their histories and singular achievements in the social culture, transcending their time with their work.


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How to Cite
Amado, M. (2018). Marked bodies or weak gazing?. EL HORMIGUERO Psicoanálisis" Children and Adolescents. Retrieved from
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