Understanding in action: an analysis of its levels and qualities
Comprehension, Comprehension performance, Flexible use of thought, Levels and qualitiesAbstract
This work expresses a reflection on the characteristics of the understanding of learning in action. Understanding is defined as the ability to think and act flexibly using what one knows, implies being able to take knowledge and use it in different ways, constitutes a final cognitive process, articulating a generative knowledge. The objective of this work is to analyze the levels and qualities of understanding and their relation to the didactic and evaluative dimensions at play in any training process. Methodologically, the work inscribes its performance in the interdisciplinary documentary review methodology, makes a survey about the literature on the subject addressed. The search focus was on scientific research, these works were located in digital and bibliographic databases, such as, Sage, Scopus, Scielo, Redalyc, Proquest and EBSCO, as well as, in electronic libraries specialized in human cognition and teaching for understanding distributed geopolitically in Latin America and Europe. Among its most significant findings, the work identifies that, the potential of understanding implies active knowledge, that is, it can be used in different situations, it is transferable, it consolidates a vertebrate pedagogical model around thinking, allowing students to actively use the learned. Finally, it concludes by providing creative clues and solutions for teaching design and evaluation through the principles of mind education.Downloads
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