An approach to the study of cognitive processes in deaf LSM users
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In Mexico, the vast majority of deaf children start school without having acquired a first language. Against this background, it is urgent to develop lines of research to discuss the effects of this linguistic deprivation on the development of deaf people. This paper presents two exploratory studies used to analyze the cognitive processes of deaf users of Mexican Sign Language (LSM). In the first one, semantic and phonological verbal fluency was explored in three deaf young people with different levels of proficiency in MSL. In the second, a selection of tests widely used in neuropsychological assessment was applied to deaf signers attending technical high school in order to compare their performance with that of their hearing peers. The objective of this research is to determine the possible consequences of a late acquisition of sign language on the cognition of deaf individuals, and the effects of the delay in the exposure to a visuo-gestural linguistic input for the development of sign language. And with this, to have elements that contribute to the realization of an educational and linguistic proposal according to the needs and characteristics of the deaf community.
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