Analysis of vegetation as a landscape component (province of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
landscape, vegetal cover, distribution pattern, Southwestern Buenos AiresAbstract
This research work addresses, from the landscape approach, the study of vegetation cover in transition zones of the Southern Pampeano District. The aim is to analyze the distribution of the vegetation representative of a sector of lake areas in the southwest of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Given that the vegetation has qualities that allow the identification and differentiation of spatial patterns and territorial impacts, the study is appropriate for the landscape interpretation of the study area. The survey was carried out by fieldwork, using the vegetation square method in six sampling units. A bibliographic review of specialized material on plant recognition was carried out in order to identify the plants; in addition, a survey form was designed to systematize information that would make it possible to specify the characteristics and the environment in which the species develop, as well as their spatial distribution. The results recorded a greater presence of native species than introduced species, although it should be noted that the native flora shows significant anthropic intervention throughout the region, as a result of the development of agricultural production activities. An exclusive predominance of the herbaceous stratum was observed, with grasses being the most representative and the most covered. In this case, the Poaceae family stands out with puna grass (Stipa ambigua), partridge grass (Cynodon dactylon), and foxtail (Setaria parviflora) as the most representative species. Approaching the study of vegetation from a landscape perspective is a relevant contribution aimed at gaining greater knowledge of the study area in order to define the potential of the landscape that characterizes it in order to design proposals for its use, management, and conservation.
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