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Impacts of climatic variability on the vegetation of the Sauce Grande river basin (Argentina)



NDVI, SPEI, tendencia, sequía, actividad agropecuaria


Climate change has had profound impacts on terrestrial ecosystems, vegetation being one of the most affected elements. The objective of this work was to analyze the impacts of climate variability on the vegetation of the Sauce Grande river basin (Argentina) by applying the standardized precipitation and evapotranspiration index (SPEI) and the vegetation index of normalized difference (NDVI). The methodology included  analyzing  three-point  data  from  the  February  and  October  NDVI  and  the two-month  SPEI  during the  2000-2020  period.  A  Pearson  correlation  was  applied between  both  indices,  and  the  trend  and  variations  were  calculated  from  the  Mann Kendall test and the Sen slope estimator, respectively. The results indicated that the two-month SPEI scale (SPEI-2) was the most appropriate to analyze the dynamics of the vegetation of the study area since the correlation coefficient was higher than 0.782 with a high degree of statistical significance (p <0.01) in the three sectors of the basin. During  the  2000-2020  period,  the  SPEI-2  presented  a  negative  and  statistically significant  trend  throughout  the  study  area.  Therefore,  there  was  an  increase  in  the frequency of dry periods and an increase in the magnitude of these events, increasing in the N-S direction during February and the opposite during October. The NDVI for February  and  October  also  presented  a  negative  trend  and  statistical  significance throughout   the   basin.   This   situation   indicated   that   the   vegetation   presented deterioration  processes  as  a  consequence  of  the  increase  in  dry  periods.  The  lower basin  was  the  one  that  reflected  the  most  critical  deterioration  processes  since  the February NDVI presented a decrease rate of -0.032, while that of October was -0.044 in the 21 years analyzed. The results were found to provide essential information for decision-makers and agricultural producers since it will serve as a basis for planning agroeconomic  activities,  land  use  planning,  and  guiding  public  policies  to  conserve the natural resources of the Sauce Grande river basin.


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How to Cite

Brendel, A. S. (2021). Impacts of climatic variability on the vegetation of the Sauce Grande river basin (Argentina). Boletín Geográfico, 43(2). Retrieved from



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