Urbanization of floodable areas of the Limay river in Neuquén and Plottier
Risk, Vulnerability, Hazards, Land useAbstract
Neuquén and Plottier towns, in the Limayriver valley, are continuously growing and expanding without any order, producing multiple and constant problems. The present paper analyzes the occupation of potential flooding areas. Property ventures and settlements have gradually been undertaken without any regularization augmenting related to houses located along the river flood plains. These sectors are exposed to normal or recurrent flooding, following the definitions of the regulatory authority. Increased flows cause land flooding damage and disadvantages to the population and infrastructure involved. The paper presents satellite-based cartography and aerial photographs. The construction of hydroelectric dams changed the natural dynamics upstream the Limay River. These changes made a progressive transformation of the river's dynamics that impacted on land uses. Land use changed from a predominant agricultural use to urban. As a result, land suitability for agriculture has been lost and, neighborhoods have been established in areas at risk from flooding. These settlements have different, characteristics: some of them include vulnerable populations, and other ones set private more luxury neighborhoods. In this way, areas of considerable residential value have arisen, which are perceived differently according them (due to their proximity to the river, the value of the landscape or the housing needs of a particular social group), and resulted in different vulnerability situations associated to the risk to normal and/or extraordinary floods.
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