
  • Eduardo Antonio Jaime Muñoz Profesor de Estado en Historia y Geografía. Licenciado en Educación, Universidad de La Serena, Chile. Magister en Desarrollo Regional y Medio Ambiente, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile


Edible plants, Rural community, Biodiversity


The present case study is related to the importance of edible plants present in the mostazal valley, Monte Patria commune, Limarí province, Coquimbo region. The objective of the work is to identify and recognize edible plants in the mostazal valley. The study area was delimited with the help of the computer program Google Earth, bibliographic material was used to identify the plants and with some villagers help, their common names were recognized; some didactic schemes were done to organize and describe the information. A list is made with the geographical points where the plants were found, differentiating their natural habitats, the origin of the species and some applications in traditional peasant food. The results of this study will allow to know these vegetables, their characteristics and the threats, creating an attitude of respect and appreciation of these natural resources.


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How to Cite

Muñoz, E. A. J. (2018). COMMON USES OF EDIBLE PLANTS IN THE COQUIMBO REGION, CHILE. Boletín Geográfico, 2(40), p. 49–62. Retrieved from



Land, Geomofphology and Resources