Air quality study in open-pit quarries in general Roca, argentina


  • Paula Andrea Paez Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Ingeniería en Biotecnología e Ingeniería en Alimentos, Sede Alto Valle y Valle Medio
  • Marisa Gloria Cogliati Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Facultad de Ciencias del Ambiente
  • Raúl Alberto Giacosa Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, Licenciatura en Geología, Sede Alto Valle y Valle Medio


Open-pit mining, AERMOD, Air quality, particulate matter


This research have the objetive propose a study methodology to evaluate air
quality in a mining activity based on the confiability and analysis of meteorological,
topographic and emission data, which are entered into the dispersion model. The
methodology was applied to the emissions the particulate material with a size
smaller than 10 μm (PM10) generated from the operation of open pit quarries, near
General Roca town (Argentina); and then evaluates their dispersion and possible
impact on human health and / or the environment. The seasonal variations of the
dispersion were analyzed and the Gaussian dispersion model used is AERMOD. The
results showed that PM10 dispersion in different atmospheric conditions and
emissions in 2010, don ́t influence urban areas near quarries and don ́t that exceed
the legal limit. From the analysis of the seasonal variations of the dispersion changes
were observed in the extension of the plume and in the maximum hourly
concentration, especially in the autumn and winter seasons. The results of the
modeling (maximum hourly concentration values) were compared with aerosol
concentration data, obtained by remote sensors; Resulting in a determination
coefficient (R2 ~ 0.7). The proposed work methodology can be incorporated as a
control tool in government agencies for the evaluation and management of air
quality so as to prevent unsatisfactory scenarios.


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How to Cite

Paez, P. A., Cogliati, M. G., & Giacosa, R. A. (2017). Air quality study in open-pit quarries in general Roca, argentina. Boletín Geográfico, (39), 53–71. Retrieved from



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