The Construction Of The Other In Historiography

Testimony And Politics Of Time



Testimony, Historiography, Temporality, Politics of Time, Recent History


This paper aims to explore the relationship between historiography, testimony, and temporality. We try to elucidate what are the epistemic decisions involved in the "use" of oral testimonies in historiography, as well as the temporal presuppositions that these research and writing decisions imply. This work is guided by the idea that these choices have ethical, epistemological, and political consequences, which lead historians to consider what has been witnessed as belonging to the past or the present.

In this sense, we will propose three possible ways in which historiography, temporality, and testimony are related: the “inferential” way, the “mimetic” and, finally, the “dialogic” one. Each of them corresponds to a temporal order that supposes a specific relationship between the present and the past. These temporal relationships will be conceptualized from the notions of "rupture", "collapse" and "irrevocability", respectively. As a consequence, the result of the different forms of articulation between testimony, historiography, and temporality would result in different ways of constructing the “other” as a witness based on its temporal quality.


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Author Biography

Gonzalo Urteneche, Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana “Dr. Emilio Ravignani” Universidad de Buenos Aires- CONICET.

GONZALO URTENECHE es Profesor y Doctor en Historia por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Participa de grupos de investigación en la Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Ha publicado en revistas científicas, presentado trabajos en eventos académicos nacionales e internacionales y ejercido la docencia en los niveles universitario, medio y terciario. Sus intereses de investigación se vinculan a la Teoría e Historia de la Historiografía. En particular, trabaja la producción e incorporación de testimonios en la historiografía del pasado reciente argentina y sus cruces con la temporalidad histórica. Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Urteneche, G. (2022). The Construction Of The Other In Historiography: Testimony And Politics Of Time. Páginas De Filosofía, 23(25), 45–72. Retrieved from


