The rise of the far right




New and extreme right, Identifications, Policy, Popular land


Considering that in recent years there has been a proliferation of far-right extremists that are gaining ground and governments globally, we are interested in understanding the process that has led this emerging right to expand its social composition, and what are the causes of this growth. Until a few years ago, the right was defined by a markedly anti-rights ideology: racist, sexist, conservative of privileges and defender of the private to the detriment of the state or the public; ideas that were fundamentally held by the oligarchic classes of society. We note that the “natural” ideology of the right is no longer affirmed exclusively by the oligarchic classes, but is also shared and agitated by popular sectors excluded by sex, ethnicity or gender. We wonder how this vicissitude occurred, what strategies and mechanisms operated to ensure that this new and extreme right managed to take  root in the popular terrain and dispute presence in social sectors that were out of its reach.


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Author Biography


Psicoanalista, exdocente e investigadora de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, investigadora de CLACSO, docente de la Universidad de Lanús, docente en diplomaturas maestrías y posgrados. Magister en Ciencias Políticas. Autora de Populismo y psicoanálisis (Letra Viva, 2014) y de Colonización de la subjetividad. Medios masivos de comunicación en la época del biomercado (Letra Viva, 2017). Mentir y colonizar. Obediencia inconsciente y  subjetividad neoliberal (Letra Viva, 2019). La reinvención democrática. Un giro afectivo (Letra Viva, 2020). El  despertar afectivo. Hacia un amor político (Letra Viva 2023). Autora de innumerables publicaciones en revistas especializadas y capítulos de libros en el país y en el exterior. Columnista de El Destape.


Freud, S (1923) El Yo y el Ello. Buenos Aires. Amorrortu editores.

Freud, S (1921. Psicología de las masa y análisis del Yo. Buenos Aires. Amorrortu editores.

Gramsci, A (1999) Cuadernos de la cárcel. Edición crítica. Puebla. Ediciones Era



How to Cite

MERLÍN, N. (2024). The rise of the far right. EL HORMIGUERO Psicoanálisis" Children and Adolescents. Retrieved from



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