Power, media and the youth.


  • Milton Pereyra Biblioteca Central UNCo


Power, Devices, Media, Speeches, The youth


The present work approaches, from a microphysical analysis of power, the treatment of the bodies of young people in the media, with the purpose of deepening in the deployment of an extensive network of heterogeneous elements and institutions that in their discursive regularity are activating A machinery that never ceases to create senses and subjectivities in public opinion. This essay seeks to call into question the discourses that circulate through the social fabric about insecurity and the many calls to defend society from the dangerous anonymous that seem to be purely and exclusively a particular sector of society: "the young”. To dismantle the complex network of power relations, which ultimately end up transforming into relations of power-knowledge, in which the media deploy all their capacity to establish senses and subjectivities and even impose a worldview from which to look at the world, We will include the writings and reflections of who has perhaps been without a doubt the most brilliant thinker of power Michel Foucault (2014). The present analysis follows from the research carried out in 2016 for my degree thesis of the Degree in Political Science (CURZA, National University of Comahue) titled "The Discourse of the Media around Poverty".


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How to Cite

Pereyra, M. (2018). Power, media and the youth. EL HORMIGUERO Psicoanálisis" Children and Adolescents. Retrieved from https://revele.uncoma.edu.ar/index.php/psicohormiguero/article/view/2047



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