About the Journal

Photography: "In defense of the Public University" (Rebeca Rodriguez)

The Magazine “EL HORMIGUERO Psychoanalysis ◊ Childhood/s and Adolescence/s” originates from the Interinstitutional Space called “El Hormiguero” 1 founded in 2010 at the Atlantic Zone Regional University Center (CURZA) National University of Comahue 2.

Main access to CURZA (image recovered from curza.net) Ayacucho and Monseñor Esandi. Viedma, Río Negro (ZIP:8500) (02920)423198

Our magazine's fundamental purpose is the publication of productions linked to the approach and consideration of childhood and adolescence in different areas of Psychoanalysis, society and culture. Within the framework of psychoanalytic and university research.

professionals and workers. The latter based not only on the demands 3 that express the need to have a place that generates the encounter, but also sustains, accompanies and therefore makes it consist. As also appears in our investigations.

The university has known how to give rise to this meeting of interrogation of practices and knowledge. Teaching, research and extension are thus aspects of university activity that involve each other. One is not without the other. Our journal is located at the intersection of the chairs: Psychoanalysis, Psychopathology, Political Psychology, Residency, Institutional Analysis II. Psychoanalysis allows us a point of suspension in the interdisciplinary, which leads us to the consideration on the horizon of the dignity of the desiring subject, locating us in the time of transdisciplinarity.

The offer: give workers room to think, rethink, position themselves and reposition themselves, in impossible practices. El Hormiguero is born, not without a prior gestation, which we will call transmission. Since that moment, multiple exchange and training activities based on various devices: meetings, interviews, interviews 4, seminars, advice, work sessions, and the constant articulation with bibliographic material.

Over time, the involvement and perseverance of those who inhabit our spaces of exchange, shows the passage from a position strongly linked to complaint, disbelief, and skepticism, towards an involved location, where the bet is relaunched again and again, generating a support network in the face of daily adversities. The possibility of meeting to think with others opens paths again and again, renewing or founding desire, and reestablishing the horizon.