Morfología Distribuida desde el sur del Sur

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María Mare


In 2023, the framework known as Distributed Morphology will be 30 years old if we take as a reference the foundational text by Halle & Marantz (1993). The present manuscript attempts to recover the general features of the model and then to advance in some of the current discussions such as the number of proposed categorizers, the revision of the post-syntactic operations and the properties of roots. These are three lines of research that account for revisions of the model and also for future projections. Finally, this state-of-the-art looks at the pioneering work carried out on this approach in Argentina, which has taken the form of dissertations and articles in specialized journals.


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Mare, M. (2023). Morfología Distribuida desde el sur del Sur. Quintú Quimün. Revista De lingüística, (7 (2) jul-dic), Q087.
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