Second Language Acquisition in Non-Formal Contexts in Argentina: L2 Spanish of L1 Guarani and Toba Speakers

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Alicia Mariana Avellana


In this paper we analyze two situations of the acquisition of Spanish as a second language (L2) in Argentina: the case of L1 Guarani and L1 Toba speakers, that shows two peculiarities in contrast with other studies of foreign language acquisition. On the one hand, L2 Spanish acquisition in these situations occurs in a non-formal context, and, on the other hand, the L1 of these speakers is, typologically speaking, distant from Spanish. This entails a radical interaction between properties of languages far away from each other and shows, in an original way, what happens with less-studied languages at the present. Based on our own data, we describe and analyze some properties of the interlanguage of these speakers. Furthermore, from the point of view of Generative Grammar (Chomsky 1981, 1986), we evaluate the impact that these properties have on the fields of language acquisition, language contact and foreign language teaching. Additionally, we argue how this type of study contributes to the reflections on sociolinguistic representations of non-dominant languages and their study in the domains of political linguistics and education.


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Avellana, A. M. (2021). Second Language Acquisition in Non-Formal Contexts in Argentina: L2 Spanish of L1 Guarani and Toba Speakers. Quintú Quimün. Revista De lingüística, (5), Q049. Retrieved from
Dossier "Habitar la interlengua: escenarios de la enseñanza y la investigación de ELSE en Argentina"


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