Patagonia in transition: the 83’ and three decades of electoral democracy.

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Vela Francisco Camino
Gabriel Rafart


The Patagonian policy has received increased attention in the last decade. Overall, the story of parties’s systems in the region is of interest. This is one of the objects of the article, considering 1983 as the starting point of a complex and long lasting process. Indeed the PJ has been one of the preeminent power in the region, having been government in all provinces except Neuquén, although the neo-Peronist origin of MPN makes part of the Peronist family. Instead radicalism, predominant in Rio Negro, was far from accessing the governments of Santa Cruz and Neuquén. In addition, three of the five districts of the region works with a type of imperfect bipartisanship, common to what occurs in one third of the country's provinces. These features among many others, started in the political dynamics of the eighties and now form part of a balance of three decades of electoral democracy without breaks but with many differences.



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How to Cite
Camino, V. F., & Rafart, G. (2014). Patagonia in transition: the 83’ and three decades of electoral democracy. Revista De Historia, (15), 1–23. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Vela Francisco Camino, Universidad Nacional del Comahue-Universidad Nacional de Río Negro

Licenciado en Geografía e Historia y Doctor en Historia por la Universidad de Sevilla. Es profesor en Historia Social Moderna y Contemporánea y Derecho Político de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Facultad de Humanidades y Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. También es docente en la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Investigador del Grupo del Estudios de Historia Social. Investiga en temas de historia política y social.

Gabriel Rafart, Universidad Nacional del Comahue.

Profesor de Historia. Magister por la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Docente en las facultades de Humanidades y Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue. También es profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Investigador del Grupo del Estudios de historia Social. Realiza investigaciones sobre historia social de los trabajadores, del delito y temas de historia política de la Patagonia.