The last dictatorship and the neighborhoods of the city of Cordoba. Approximation to the protests of neighbors and to the state interventions towards an allowed vecinalism

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Ana Carol Solis


How was the dictatorship lived in the neighbourhoods of the city Cordoba? Starting from this question, the article proposes to historicize the interventions to and inside the neighbourhood space in Córdoba city, trough the identification of some characteristics and dynamics unfolded in their territories not only during the dictatorship, but also in the repression that started sometime before. This reconstruction and analysis aims to compose an image about the repressive effects and the modifications in the social answers from each period, through an exploration that contrasts the principal
types of conflicts and protests that were carried out by the eighbours before and to the end of the dictatorship. This article tries to trouble the connections of the state intervention in the neighbourhood, through the rules that governed the neighbourhood centres modelling an idea of “permitted neighbouring”. Our aim with this article, which is part of a larger investigation, is to try to contribute
and historicize the conformation of an “agenda de democratización
posdictadura”, from the characterization of the development of the political and social militancy groups during the ’80 in the


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How to Cite
Solis, A. C. (2016). The last dictatorship and the neighborhoods of the city of Cordoba. Approximation to the protests of neighbors and to the state interventions towards an allowed vecinalism. Revista De Historia, (17), 175–201. Retrieved from
DOSSIER : Dictadura y sociedad a 40 años del Golpe de Estado. Aproximaciones desde una perspectiva local
Author Biography

Ana Carol Solis, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba

Ana Carol Solis, Profesora y Licencia en Historia, Magister en Partidos Políticos y doctoranda en Estudios Sociales de América Latina por el Centro de Estudios Avanzados de la UNC. Docente de Historia Argentina Contemporánea e Historia Argentina II de la UNC, Directora del Programa de Derechos Humanos de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades y directora del proyecto SECyT A “Militancias, dictaduras y derechos humanos en la historia reciente de Córdoba” (CIFFyH - FFyH UNC). Ha publicado libros en coautoría y como compiladora, capítulos y artículos con referato. Sus temas se refieren a la historia reciente de Córdoba, a los procesos de movilización, la cuestión de los derechos humanos, la dictadura cívico militar y, actualmente, las militancias en la posdictadura y las democratizaciones. Ha compilado Córdoba a 40 años
del golpe. Estudios de la dictadura en clave local, E-Book de la Editorial de la FFyH UNC.