Church, State and society. The protection of Chilean refugees in Norpatagonia, 1973-1983

Main Article Content

Maria Cecilia Azconegui


Abstract: The Chilean-Argentine migration process acquired specific
characteristics from the installation of the dictatorial regime in Chile (1973).
The military government led by General Augusto Pinochet directly
influenced its volume and causes. In this article I reconstruct and analyze the experience of protection and assistance to Chilean refugees headed - from Neuquén and for Norptagonia - by a lay representative of the local Catholic Church in the period 1973-1983. Also, since this task was part of a national network with the participation of the Christian churches, the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the State, I examine how the configuration and operation thereof varied to the extent that government policy became increasingly repressive and refugees became a "national security issue." I reflect on the contributions that the analysis of this local experience can provide to think relations between Catholic Church, State and society during the seventies.


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How to Cite
Azconegui, M. C. (2016). Church, State and society. The protection of Chilean refugees in Norpatagonia, 1973-1983. Revista De Historia, (17), 145–174. Retrieved from
DOSSIER : Dictadura y sociedad a 40 años del Golpe de Estado. Aproximaciones desde una perspectiva local
Author Biography

Maria Cecilia Azconegui, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Profesora en Historia por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Magister en Política Internacional por la Universidad de Melbourne (Australia) y Doctoranda en Historia por la Universidad de San Andrés. Docente en el área Argentina e investigadora en la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue/Cehepyc/CLACSO. Registra entre sus antecedentes publicaciones sobre problemáticas vinculadas a la historia de la última dictadura militar argentina, el exilio, las organizaciones de derechos humanos y la Iglesia Católica.