Liberalism, a problematic political tradition in Controversia

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Matías Carlos Farías


The aim of this article is to analyze the interpretations about liberalism presented in Controversia (1979-1981), a review created in México by some exiled Argentinean intellectuals during the latest Argentinian military dictatorship. As we will try to argue, this object implies two different analysis’ levels: on the one hand, the meanings associated to the “liberal idea”, which appear in Controversia as a strong rejection to Argentinean liberal tradition. Rejection that collected the arguments of a cultural and political anti-liberalism built along the XX century. On the other hand, the analysis of the theoretical and political assumptions that hold these interventions. In these assumptions is where we understand takes place a relevant conceptual displacement: the distinction “formal democracy/ substantive democracy” becomes a subsidiary moment from a new decisive political distinction between democracy and authoritarianism. Is particularly in this second level of the analysis where we consider necessary to understand the impact of the liberal matter in Controversia.


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How to Cite
Farías, M. C. (2016). Liberalism, a problematic political tradition in Controversia. Revista De Historia, (17), 28–55. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Matías Carlos Farías, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Profesor en Filosofía (UBA). Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos en Pensamiento Argentino y Latinoamericano de la carrera de Filosofía (UBA) y en Introducción a la cultura argentina y latinoamericana del Departamento de Economía de UNPaz. Integra el equipo “Educación y Memoria” del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación. Publicó América y el mundo. Una elección de escritos de Juan B. Alberdi sobre política internacional y diplomacia (2012) y Conversaciones del Bicentenario. Historia y política en los años kirchneristas (2011).