Spontaneous green spaces. Analysis of factors that promote its emergence
online survey, urban green spaces, COVID19 pandemic, urban planning, geographic information systemAbstract
Both green and public spaces are used by residents for recreation, entertainment, and socializing. Among Bahia Blanca city's parks, Parque de Mayo and Parque Independencia stand out, as well as the number of squares that are scattered throughout its surface, whose characteristics don't always meet the needs of the people. As a result, residents of the city have spontaneously opted for unplanned spaces for these purposes. Some authors define these places as spontaneous sociocultural spaces or simply spontaneous use spaces, which can be permanent or punctual and arise from the dynamics or requirements of the population at a given time.
Our study aims to identify the urban and suburban green spaces that Bahía Blanca residents spontaneously incorporate for recreational purposes, as well as the factors that influence their decisions. An online survey was conducted to gather data for analysis. The data was analyzed using a GIS (Geographic Information System). The GIS was used to manage and analyze geospatial data, which is essential for understanding and visualizing spatial relationships and patterns. As a secondary objective, we analyzed whether the COVID-19 Pandemic was decisive in choosing these places.
It has been identified that a significant portion of the population prefers to use road shoulders and access routes to the city, with the Road known as Carrindanga in the northeast sector and National Route 3 in the south of the city, being particularly popular. The decision to choose a certain place often depends on various factors, including the size, accessibility, and number of people present. In this case, the main reasons for selecting these locations are the spaciousness of the place, being able to access it by car, and the low number of people. However, it is important to consider the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the popularity of certain places. The answers of the 70% of the surveys showed that people visited those locations before the restrictions associated with the pandemic were put in place. This suggests that the health crisis may have contributed to an increase in the number of people electing to visit these types of locations.
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