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Rubén Vaudagnotto


This work offers a reflective perspective on the concept of scarcity, which holds a central and undisputed place in the construction of economic science, to the extent that it has led to defining economics as the science of scarcity. Based on an analysis of the widespread use of this concept in orthodox textbooks, the study delves into an exposition of its historical evolution.
Throughout this exploration, three approaches to the concept of scarcity are identified: a limited conception, characteristic of the classical period; a relative scarcity, associated with Mundell's analysis; and, finally, an absolute scarcity, linked to Léon Walras's formulation. Walras categorically and unconditionally establishes the relationship between physical limitation and the idea of scarcity, extending the label of scarcity to all goods and services.
Finally, the relationship between scarcity, appropriability, and property rights over goods is examined.


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Vaudagnotto, R. (2024). REPENSAR LA ESCASEZ. Research Notebooks. Economics Series, (13), 3–17. Retrieved from


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