Imagination in curriculum planning: prolegomena for a poetics of the curriculum

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José Sánchez


This article proposes linking curricular planning with the theme of narrative function, to demonstrate the Prolegomena for a poetics of the curriculum that has been hidden because of its pragmatic treatment. So that the curriculum is an educational project that arises from a process of interpretation, in which the productive imagination, through a well combined fiction, allows an understanding of the practical field, shown in the professional profiles of a career and in its embedding in the narrative structures of the actors involved, when it is in the process of implantation. The incrustation of the profile of income and egress in the experiences and narrative structures of the actors involved in the implantation, is that the curriculum can be valued, in which the text is a
linguistic unit that allows to measure the capacity of composition and selection of language when it expands beyond prayer.


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How to Cite
Sánchez, J. (2018). Imagination in curriculum planning: prolegomena for a poetics of the curriculum. Horizontes Filosóficos : Revista De Filosofía, Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (7), 61–70. Retrieved from


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