The height of the rose

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Yolanda Isabel García Juárez


The rose climax, is a topic through which is wanted to awareness about  the importance of color. Considering various aspects from racism to forms of communication and interpretation in different areas. The main goal is to give arguments in order to encourage new research focused in the develop of a better comprehension of the nature of color, the way of using it and the subjective interpretation, individual and collective and
also how all this aspects affects the forms of social interaction. The proyect focus is phenomenological, while a poetic vision is considered on the presentation. Emphasing the color implications on the subjective enviroments and the communication themes which are analized with a semiotic view.


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How to Cite
García Juárez, Y. I. (2018). The height of the rose. Horizontes Filosóficos : Revista De Filosofía, Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (7), 49–60. Retrieved from


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