La eternidad escrita en la ciudad: Zambrano y Benjamin

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Reyna Carretero Rangel


How are we to think Eternity in that which is fragmented and
reconfigured at each moment as a coming-to-be, and amidst this process of ongoing change, how are we to find an anchor to sustain our soul, a room for our future? A possible answer may be found in María Zambrano’s yearning for the City, or perhaps in Baudelaire’s aesthetics, as rescued by Walter Benjamin, among others, who pondered and sensed the city as a refuge for the spirit, such that Eternity in the City leads us to think of it as hospitality; that is, hospitable time. Hence, it is precisely the city that allows us to place these anchors and so grasp Eternity.


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How to Cite
Carretero Rangel, R. (2017). La eternidad escrita en la ciudad: Zambrano y Benjamin. Horizontes Filosóficos : Revista De Filosofía, Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (6), 125–135. Retrieved from