Características del activismo mapuce en Neuquén

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Fernando Aiziczon


In a social context marked by constant protests that happen in the province of Neuquén for much of the '90s the Mapuche will be constructed along with other social actors (unions, parties, social organizations) to claim their own way so just believe. However, their status as Pueblos Originarios and local history traversed by both the Church and by the provincial government will shape a particular path can be reconstructed from the emergence of the Mapuche activism in the early '90s. This happens simultaneously with the wave of protests by indigenous peoples throughout Latin America in recent decades but particularly visible after the Zapatista uprising in 1994. In Argentina, the Mapuche people then re-starts a long journey of struggles, which combines several factors that make this experience particularly rich: the release of church guidance (especially the figure of James of Nevares), the claim of identity face to the 500 years since the discovery of America, the defense of territories against the advance-privatization policy, the troubled launch of the ruling party and its policies Neuquén state, but their own internal struggles that resulted in the formation of the Mapuche Confederation Neuquén, among others, point to a cultural politics which trait may be more intense at present, the search for a reaffirmation of identity and the construction of a new historical narrative which resizes own past.


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How to Cite
Aiziczon, F. (2014). Características del activismo mapuce en Neuquén. Revista De Historia, (15), 1–17. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Fernando Aiziczon, Universidad de Córdoba -CIFFYH (UNC)

Historiador, docente de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, investigador del CIFFYH (UNC).