The teaching formation in the History career. Reflections from the analysis of the “Project teachers - tutors”

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Valeria Araceli D’Agostino
Vanesa Mariángeles Gregorini


In this article we characterize and analyze the first results of a work proposal that we have called "Project teachers-tutors" implemented from the year 2014 in the framework of teaching practices of the students of History at the Faculty of Human Sciences at the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. This experience has attempted to provide some answers to a number of concerns and demands posed by advanced students, graduates and teachers around the characteristics of the initial training in general and of the pedagogical area in particular. It should be noted that the design and implementation of the project has been nourished by the inputs and the experiences of other professors in our faculty and related careers in different universities all over the country.


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How to Cite
D’Agostino, V. A., & Gregorini, V. M. (2015). The teaching formation in the History career. Reflections from the analysis of the “Project teachers - tutors”. Revista De Historia, (16), 102–125. Retrieved from
Dossier: La formación de grado en Historia