
Identification of flood-prone areas in San Cayetano provincial park (Corrientes, Argentina)



Risk mapping, floods, digital elevation models, Drone, Geographic Information Technologies


The town of San Cayetano and particularly the Provincial Park with the same name, presents recurring cases of flooding in wet periods, mainly after intense rainfall given the almost immediate response of the river flow to inclement weather due to its very small basin. The main objective of the work is to generate a Digital Elevation Model of high spatial resolution and vertical precision of the Park from a drone flight and the use of Geographic Information Technologies. To achieve this objective, measurements of Photogrammetric Support Points (PAF) were first carried out with a South Galaxy G1 geodesic receptor GNSS, which will provide greater reliability to the results generated in the post-processing stage, and San Cayetano Park was flown over with a Mavic 2 pro model drone. from the DJI firm, which has a 1” CMOS sensor and 20 megapixel resolution, which made it possible to obtain aerial photographs with the characteristics necessary for the generation of an DEM. Subsequently, with the use of specific software, these photographs were processed, and a high spatial resolution DEM was generated. From this product, and with the help of Geographic Information Systems, maps were generated that show different possible threat scenarios at certain flood levels based on the advance of water over the study area and in this way contribute to the management and early warning of these events.



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How to Cite

Gómez, L. F., Contreras, F. I., Morel, D. E. ., & Morel, J. E. (2024). Identification of flood-prone areas in San Cayetano provincial park (Corrientes, Argentina). Boletín Geográfico, 46(46). Retrieved from





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