Morphometric characteristics of the basin of the Huitzilac River, Puebla, Mexico



drainage network, hypsometric curve, hydrological maturity , erosive potential , flooding


MexicoAbstractThe spatial framework of this study was the basin of the Huitzilac River, located geographically towards the southwest of the state of Puebla, Mexico. This paper analyzes the morphometric parameters of the  Huitzilac  River basin and its drainage network in order to understand its surface dynamics.  To do this, quantitative indicators and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were used. The information was completed with fieldwork. The main results show that the basin has an area of 615 km2, so it is classified as "intermediate to large". The values of form factor, circularity ratio, and elongation ratio parameters, suggest an elongated shape with a  tendency to a rectangular-oblong configuration.  It is a fifth-order system with a drainage pattern mainly in the dendritic to sub-dendritic type.  The hypsometric curve and the circularity ratio factor show a relative equilibrium or maturity stage, implying an erosive potential, mainly at the upstream area of the study area,  which should not underestimate.  In general,  the morphometric characteristics attenuate some negative effects, due to possible flooding.


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Author Biography

Esp Esp, Esp

Dra. en Ciencias geográficas por la Universidad Laval, Quében, Canadá. Postdoctorante en el colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Puebla, México.


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How to Cite

Esp, G., & Villarreal Manzo, L. A. (2022). Morphometric characteristics of the basin of the Huitzilac River, Puebla, Mexico. Boletín Geográfico, 44(1), 41–58. Retrieved from



Land, Geomorphology and Natural Resources