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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript has not been published previously nor has been put under consideration by any other journal (other considerations should be explained as an additional comment to editors).
  • The text includes all illustrations, figures, and tables in the appropriate places in the text, the figures are explained in the text, the references follow APA standards, and they are cited in the manuscript.
  • The text should follow the conditions described in the Guidelines for authors
  • The text must be uploaded together with a cover letter specifying the title of the work, the names of the authors, institutional affiliation, and contact data. The manuscript should not include any reference to the authors, to guarantee double-blind evaluation.
  • In the cover letter you should also include the names and contact information of three potential reviewers for your manuscript.
  • Figures must be attached as separate files in high-quality, in jpg or png format and the size of each file must not exceed 1 mb.

Author Guidelines



The upload of the manuscript must include a cover letter with the data of the authors, institutional affiliation, and contact, in addition you must provide the names and contact information of three possible reviewers for your article.

The manuscript must not contain ANY references to the authors to guarantee double-blind evaluation.


Politics of Evaluation and originality of papers.

Boletín Geográfico is a scientific journal edited by the Department of Geography of the Faculty of Humanities of the National University of the Comahue with two volumes per year. It focuses in thematic including different aspects of the territory: regional studies, Earth planning and development, sciences (climatology, geomorphology, etc.), medical geography, economical geography, political geography, agrarian, demographic, environmental studies, etc. The submission of works is open to theoretical and applied subjects as well as original case studies of different regions from the globe.

Boletín Geográfico is available in electronic format. An academic committee of national and international researchers guarantees the objectives of scientific quality and originality.

The manuscripts had to include original researches and could be presented like complete researches, short communications, or reviews (invited by the publishers).

The manuscripts will be evaluated by the double-blind system, in charge of at least two independent researchers, members of the academic committee. They will consider critically aspects referred to the originality and scientific quality. The academic committee members would be selected considering the area in which the paper is inserted. The acceptance will depend on the approval of the referees and the publishing adjustment of the manuscripts. In case of opposing evaluations, the acceptance or not will be decided by the publishing committee. Boletín Geográfico don't charge publication fees from authors.

Guidelines of Presentation

Manuscripts. Please submitt an electronic copy of final version of manuscript, preferably prepared with MS Word or other compatible software, to the following address:

Manuscripts must be in Boletín Geográfico style and format. They would be limited to 15 pages, including illustrations and tables. The accepted languages are Spanish and English.

After accepting a paper, the author must send a final version revised version of the manuscript and proceed to adapt to the format of the journal according to a template opportunely provided.

Equations will be numbered in parentheses to the right.

Title both in Spanish and in English, Name, Address. Provide the title in full, author's name,. in: capital letters Times New Roman 14 bold, , with  less than 12 words. The authors names underneath the title, leaving 2 lines, Times New Roman 12 italics with right justification.

Footnote: institutional or bussiness affiliation, e-mail and present postal address, or in its defect indicate independent research Times New Roman 10.

Abstract. All articles shall include an abstract, both in Spanish and in English (less than 500 words).

Text. The text should be divided into sections, each with a separate heading. Page size A4 with the following margins: superior and inferior           25 mm, left     30 mm, right    20 mm.

The file must appear in format of modifiable text list (equivalent Word or) and named like: AUTHOR1_BG.docx.


The figures must be included in in the text in the preferred position, each one with their captions underneath and must, without exception, being mentioned and explained in the text using the title that will consist of the word followed Figure of its correlative number (Figure N). Ej legend:

Tables: The tables must be numbered using arabic numbers in MSword format table (do not use images). Each table must be accompanied of self-explanative caption underneath it (units, source, etc)

The tables and figures must appear inserted in the suggested places and in addition enclose separate jpg, or tiff, archives named AUTHOR1_Fig_1.jpg /tiff.

The references in the text and the section Bibliography must name following norms APA

For the references in the text to indicate the appointments according to the number of authors:


Acknowledgements. Brief.

Units, abbreviations and symbols. The International System of Units (m, kg, s, K) should be used. Abbreviations must be defined when first used. Particular care should be taken to ensure that all symbols are clearly identified.

Please follow the specifications below:

References. Articles should be fully documented with references in the text and a reference listing ordered alphabetically by author's names at the end of the paper. Authors are encouraged to adjust to citation system (APA).



Please, verify that you fulfills all the following elements.

1.         The manuscript has not been published previously nor has been put under consideration by any other journal (other considerations should be explained as an additional comment to editors).

2.         Use simple interlined, with 12 points letter, for emphasizing use italics (except for URL´s), all the illustrations, figures and tables should be included in the suggested places of the text.

3.         The text should follow conditions described in Guidelines for authors

4.         Texts send to evaluation by pairs, the journal assure an anonymous double blind evaluation.


Copyrights and data processing

Tthe acceptance of an article for its publication in Boletín Geográfico implies the cession of the impression rights and reproduction, of the author, in favor of the Department of Geography of the National University of the Comahue, by any form and means, which will not reject any reasonable request of authors to obtain reproduction permissions for its contributions. The total or partial reproduction of articles, must be done mentioning the journal, on the contrary, it violates the reserved rights.

The concepts and opinions expressed in each article are of the exclusive responsibility of the author, without taking responsibility neither support, from the editors neither the Editorial.

It is responsibility of the authors to be able to provide to the readers interested copies of the raw data, manual of procedure, scores and, in general, excellent experimental material.

The Direction of the journal guarantees the suitable treatment of the personal data.


The names and directions of electronic mail in this journal will be used exclusively used for the aims established in it and they will not be provided to third parties or for another use without permission.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes